Çimi comía hormigas todos los días:
las agarraba con dos dedos,
las observaba y después, con la mirada perdida,
Siempre elegía las negras y más lentas,
quizá porque eran tan silenciosas y tranquilas
como él. La semana pasada, su fugitiva madre
regresó y llevó a Çimi a cenar.
Estaban sentados a la mesa en silencio,
y cuando ella por fin dijo, "¡Te he extrañado!"
un negro mar de hormigas brotó de la boca de Çimi
inundando el espacio que los separaba.
en "Bread on Running Waters", Fenway Press, Boston, 2013. Trad. del original inglés, Jonio González.
Çimi ate ants every day:
he picked them up with two fingers,
looked at them first, then staring into space,
thoughtlessly put them into his mouth.
He always chose the black, slow-moving ones,
maybe because they were quiet and slow
like him. Last week, his runaway mother
returned and took Çimi out to dinner.
They were sitting silently at the table,
and when she finally said, I’ve missed you!
a black sea of ants crawled out of Çimi’s mouth,
drowning the space between them.
(Fuente: Jonio González)
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