jueves, 28 de enero de 2021

Alfred Kreymborg (EEUU, 1883 - 1966)




Ladislaw el crítico
mide un metro y setenta centímetros de estatura,
lo que significa
que sus ojos
están a un metro y sesenta centímetros
del suelo,
lo que significa
que si le lees tu poema
y alza la mirada por encima del metro
y sesenta centímetros,
lo que has hecho
es Poesía;
si sus ojos permanecen
a un metro y sesenta centímetros,
has perpetrado prosa,
y si ves que inclina la mirada
—¡Dios no lo quiera!—
aunque sea un poco por debajo
del metro y sesenta centímetros
un adjetivo inclasificable.
en "Others for 1919: An Anthology of the New Verse", Alfred Kremborg, ed., Nicholas L. Brown, Nueva York, 1920, ed. digital de la University of British Columbia. Versión de Jonio González. 


Ladislaw the critic
is five feet six inches high,
which means
that his eyes
are five feet two inches
from the ground,
which means,
if you read him your poem,
and his eyes lift to five feet
and a trifle more than two inches,
what you have done
is Poetry—
should his eyes remain
at five feet two inches,
you have perpetrated prose,
and do his eyes stoop
—which Heaven forbid!—
the least trifle below
five feet two inches,
are an unspeakable adjective.
(Fuente: Jonio González)


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